11 May 2009
Save the Library
Posted by Dirk under: politics .
On May 18th and 19th the Butte County Supervisors will have a meeting. At that meeting they will vote on how much money to give to the Butte County Library.
Right now the library has already lost Sunday and evening hours, the reference desk, new book purchases and most of the children’s story times (a favorite of my niece).
In July the library could lose:
All but two 6 hour days.
All but 5 staff members
book requests
community meeting room
interlibrary loan
many online databases
A library for a city of over 100,000 people that is only open twice a week for 6 hours each day? That is unbelievable.
Contact info for the Butte County Supervisors is here.
If you’re a local and give a crap about libraries, let em know.