Well, I'm back

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I saw this char online who i had never seen before -- Ozbad.  Who TF is ozbad, I thought.  So I looked, and it says OBA and I was all WTF!

Anyway, Angus, I hope you'll stick around.  The other night, we had like 5 people in Guild Chat.  It was kind of exciting.  ;)

Yah, I'll be playing, I'm gonna start over though, my characters on Uldum are alien to me, more than half of them are horde-side (I'm gonna delete 'em), the alliance-side guys I got don't have synergistic trade skills (and they're from before it was easy to get reputation) and its easy to get guys to their level.

My "sorta" main server was Scarlet Crusade before you guys started playing on Uldum, so I was playing over there the last few days, bumming crap off my own bigger, richer dudes while I tried to remember everything, but now that I hear we can just bum huge sums of cash from Mego to indulge our expensive appetites heh heh heh well that certainly changes things... *rubs hands together evilly*

I just deleted a smelly old cartoon moose I had on Uldum and remade his slot into one of these ULTRAhot new albino tentacle-rape-anime-spacegoat-japanese-schoolgirl paladins with pigtails they got now, its about time there was something that could be a paladin besides those totally creepy-looking humans they got in WoW.

"Dude, I dunno, but there is definitely something wrong with the way that thing moves when it runs."

So like, if ne1 wants 2 cyber...teehee *covers mouth*

Quote from: olebaldangus on August 17, 2010, 06:29:53 PM

...only to discover that Bloom has changed his name to "Boom" and has probably grown a sweet mullet and one of those moustaches that connect to his sideburns to go along with his yellow mid-life crisis corvette while he was at it (so at least it wasn't all bad news haha I mean its about goddam time that he finally joined the Moustache Network and at least started looking like a red-meat-and-gristle-loving Real Man instead some creepy gray-ass communist ice-cold-poisonous-vegetarian-chemical-farting vampire-poet loser haha).

I bet the real reason OBA is back is because he suddenly no longer has that flight attendant job.

Quote from: olebaldangus on August 17, 2010, 09:24:14 PM

"Dude, I dunno, but there is definitely something wrong with the way that thing moves when it runs."
No kidding.  All my toons are dwarves (they are cute and i love the Scottish accent) and Human because the other races are... well, not for me.

So, do you want to keep your account?  I'm just asking cause a couple of us are doing this Refer-a-friend thing and triple experience is hard to beat.


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