3 February 2009
Cormac McCarthy: The Road
Posted by Dirk under: books .
I’ve been putting off reading this book for a while. My reasons are that McCarthy is one of those ‘literature’ type writers that sort of scare me off and because the book was supposed to be super bleak. The second part is true. This is one bleak book.
I love post-apocalyptic type stories so it was inevitable that I eventually got to this one. The cause of apocalypse is never mentioned in this book. It just starts off all fucked up and goes down hill from there. The story is about a man and his son, walking south, slowly starving and freezing and encountering the occasional cannibal.
It moves right along though. I zipped through the book pretty quick.
I recommend the book, but I’d wait till summer to read it. You’ll want some sunshine in your life after you’re done.